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Claus Grupen Siegen University Department of Physics D-57068 Siegen, Germany |
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e-mail grupen at physik.uni-siegen.de phone: +49 271 740-3795 Fax: +49 271 740-3804 |
... The strongest elements in 'Particle Detectors' are its comprehensive coverage of the different detector types and its explanation of the basic principles behind each technology. |
Jack Sandweiss, Yale University, New Haven, Conneticut |
... this is an excellent volume, which largely succeeds in reaching its ambitious goal of describing the basic principles, uses, and limitations of all currently used particle detectors and counters. |
Bob Brown, Rutherford Laboratories, UK |
...The author himself admits that his book can be just a snapshot, but if this is the case then Professor Grupen has chosen a very fine grained emulsion for his work. |
James Gillies, CERN |
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...Das Buch ist sowohl für Physikstudenten als auch für Fachleute empfehlenswert. |
Hans Blümer, Universität Mainz |
...Der Autor skizziert die physikalischen und biologischen Grundlagen des Strahlenschutzes und erläutert meßtechnische Verfahren zur Erkennung und Identifizierung von Radionukliden. |
Strahlenschutzpraxis |
...in den physikalischen und
messtechnischen Fragen ein gutes und nützliches Kompendium. |
Physikalische Blätter |
Das Buch überrascht durch eine ausserordentliche Kompetenz des Autors auf dem Gebiet des Strahlenschutzes und lässt sich auch vom Standpunkt der Didaktik empfehlen. Klar verständlich wird der Stoff wiedergegeben. Eine ausführliche Liste mit weiterführender Literatur ist ebenfalls vorhanden. Gesetzliche Grundlagen und Richtlinien werden auf dem aktuellen Stand wiedergegeben. |
Christian Rüger aus Bielefeld |
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... the book is a well written introductory
text to this field, with a clear attempt not to overload the reader. .... Grupen's book might close the gap between expert and popular level. The author is well known for writing concise textbooks on a variety of subjects. The book is a primer on astroparticle physics. |
Cambridge University Press Referees |
... Grupen versucht nun, mit dem vorliegenden
Buch eine kurzen Überblick der Astroteilchenphysik zu liefern und strebt dabei eine Zwischenstellung zwischen populärwissenschaftlicher Darstellung und spezialisierten Texten an, was auch gut gelungen ist. |
Konrad Bernlöhr, Physik Journal 2002 |
Claus Grupen, Teilchenphysiker an der
Universität Siegen
und am CERN, hat ein Buch verfasst, das sehr kompakt (170 Seiten Text) die aktuelle
Erkenntnis darstellt - selbst der Nachweis des Tau-Neutrinos im Sommer 2000
wird erwähnt... ... Cartoons bringen Humor in die Lektüre, zahlreiche Abbildungen unterstützen den Text. Hervorzuheben ist ein Glossar von 25 Seiten und die zeitgemässe Angabe von Quellen: Webseiten und elektronische Archive erleichtern das Auffinden von Originalpublikationen. |
Helmut Kühnelt, PLUS LUCIS 3/2000 |
The book on astroparticle physics describes high energy phenomena in the universe. It covers the 'new astronomies' like neutrino astronomy, gamma-ray astronomy, X ray astronomy and astronomy with charged particles. The recent findings on the matter and energy content of the universe have transformed the previously speculative field of cosmology into a precision science where the parameters of the universe are now known at the percent level. Problems (with full solutions), a glossary and a mathematical appendix ease the understanding of the text. |
CERN Courier, Volume 46, Number 1, 2006: ................................. The style and presentation of the material make the book accessible to a broad audience with a basic knowledge of mathematics and physics. A good selection of simple exercises with solutions increases its pedagogical value and makes it suitable as a textbook for an undergraduate course. Non-specialists who want to follow the main issues of current research in the field or to have a general overview before more advanced readings can also benefit from Grupen's book. A distinguishing feature of the book is the use of relatively simple models directly tied, where possible, to experimental data; these illustrate physical mechanisms or problems without unnecessary details. The main physical motivations for a theory are introduced, its experimental consequences discussed together with the current status of the key parameters and the expected future developments. Both the pedagogical nature and the emphasis on the experimental basis of models are signalled by a chapter dedicated to particle and radiation detectors and, especially, by the many instructive figures and diagrams that illustrate data and their theoretical interpretations. Marcello Lissia, INFN/Cagliari and University of Cagliari. |
Physik-Journal, Heft 3, März 2006 ................................. Für Studenten, die das Werk im Selbststudium oder auch vorlesungsbegleitend erarbeiten, sind als weitere Neuerung die Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen am Ende jeden Kapitels hinzugekommen, die sich gut zur Selbstkontrolle eignen. Auch das schon in der ersten Auflage recht umfängliche Glossar ist weiter gewachsen. Insbesondere für Quereinsteiger aus der klassischen Teilchenphysik oder der Astrophysik dürfte das Glossar überaus hilfreich sein. All jenen, die das Buch erst mal durchblättern wollen, um dann einzelne Themenbereiche gründlicher anzuschauen, helfen wieder, wie schon in der ersten Auflage, die am Seitenrand fett gedruckten Stichworte. Als einführendes Lehrbuch in die Astroteilchenphysik ist das Buch jedenfalls bestens geeignet. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Konrad Bernlöhr, MPI fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg |
various comments from amazon.de ................................. In astroparticle physics techniques known from particle physics experiments are applied to investigate the universe ... . Grupen presents an introduction and overview of the main ideas and concepts of this rapidly growing field of research. Written in a very clear and readable fashion it is accessible to a broad audience. ... is enriched with many diagrams and illustrations, increasing the readability of the text. ... Grupen's book is really a must-have for anyone looking for a good starting point in ... astroparticle physics." (Michael Tytgat, Physicalia, Vol. 28 (4-6), 2006) "Astroparticle Physics is a timely attempt to describe the status of a booming field at the interface of astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology that has produced so many exciting results over the past few years. The format of the book, with the wide margin for keywords and figures, the extensive glossary, and the problems for each section (with detailed solutions), make it very readable and provide a good starting point for undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in astroparticle physics." (Johannes Knapp, The Observatory, Vol. 126 (1192), 2006) "This book ... covers a wide range and requires a good grounding in modern physics to be useful. ... Included are a mathematical appendix and an appendix on the results from statistical physics necessary to understand the thermodynamics of the early universe. These additions make the book a good introduction to this rapidly moving subject. Each chapter offers problems with solutions, and a 26-page comprehensive index and references are included. A very useful book for the right reader. Summing Up: Recommended." (K. W. Ogilvie, CHOICE, March, 2006) "In the present context, Astroparticle Physics consists of the studies of charged cosmic rays, neutrinos, gamma rays, X-rays and cosmology. \u2026 The index is magnificent and there is a good, relevant, mathematical appendix plus a glossary of terms which is actually useful. Best of all, there are worthwhile problems at the end of each chapter, complete with full solutions at the end of the book. ... this is a well written, well produced, text for a new field at a reasonable price." (Roger Clay, Australian Physics, Vol. 42 (5), 2005) |
The Book Astroparticle Physics is also translated into Japanese by
Prof. Dr. Keizu Kobayakawa. It was published by Springer Tokyo in 2009.
ISBN 978-4-431-10019-5 more information on the Japanese translation is available at www.amazon.co.jp |
Spanning three millennia, this collection of quotes from the fields of physics, philosophy, and psychology is a treasure trove of learning, erudition, and humor. Eclectic and subjective as it may be, you can be sure it holds something for all us sinners. Readers will have a hard time putting it down, and when they do, it will leave them amused, enriched, and inspired. May many of you take guidance from the words of the great George Berkeley: 'What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.' |
Rufus Neal, Cambridge University Press ................................. What an intriguing book, and quite distinct. I have spent most of my waking life in publishing, and I think I have seen nothing like it yet. No doubt Claus Grupen's collection of quotes will grace the shelves of many public and private libraries. |
Sir Arnold Wolfendale, FRS and 14th Astronomer Royal, Durham University ................................. What a feast of wisdom and humour. It is a pleasure to commend this book. Not only can one be enlightened and amused by dipping in at random, but by using the excellent index to choose a quote for any need. |
Sir Chris Llewellyn-Smith, FRS ................................. People will want to read this book for pleasure, or mine it for a good quotation with which to enliven an article or talk. It's virtue is the personal nature of the selection, ranging from the unusual to the downright provocative. |
Ken Peach, University of Oxford ................................. This is a very personal book indeed. The author's sketches contribute greatly to its charm. The selection of quotations covers an impressive span in both subject and time. It's be the perfect Christmas stocking filler for scientists and scholars. |
Der Autor vereint die Leidenschaften Schach und das Zeichnen von Portaits und Karikaturen in seinem Buch 'Problem Solved'. Im ersten Teil sind illustrierte Schachanekdoten und Zitate von Schachspielern und Berühmtheiten zusammengetragen. Der zweite Teil stellt die verschiedenen Arten von Schachproblemen mit vielen Beispielen dar. In diesem unterhaltsamen Kaleidoskop zum Thema Schach werden die erwähnten Personen in gelungenen Zeichnungen des Autors portraitiert. |
Joachim Neumann, Kieler Nachrichten |
Diese heiter besinnliche Enzyklopädie ist ein recht gewichtiges Kompendium, das den Weltkulturerbe-Status beanspruchen dürfte ... |
Fritz Hoffmann, Rochade Europa, Dezember 2013 |
.... there is never a dull moment throughout the book |
John F. Ling, Problem Observer England, December 2013 |
I am not a great chess enthusiast, and I rarely study books on chess games, and even less frequently I look at chess problems. I am just a coffee house chess player and play only for fun and entertainment. But this book has fascinated me because of the plentitude of chess anecdotes, quotations and witty cartoons, which demonstrate that crazy chess lovers sometimes see further than the end of their nose and can make fun of themselves. Professional chess players dive deep into the theory of openings, endgames, and other theoretical aspects, but despite its noble nucleus, chess is still a game. If you feel alone and if you are looking for some comfort, Grupen's chess cartoons may help you a lot. |
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Meyer at amazon.de |
Emmanuel Kasker insisted that, despite its noble nucleus, chess was still a game. In this spirit, Claus Grupen provides us with the perfect balance of profundity and playfulness. |
Otto W. Fry, Ludicrous Lampoon |
"Many thanks for your latest excellent book. My spirits have soared!", |
Sir Arnold W. Wolfendale, FRS, Durham |
"There is enough variety to bring a smile to most physicists." |
Christine Suton, CERN |
"It is a really remarkable achievement, full of ideas, congratulations." |
Jack Steinberger, Noble Prize Winner 1988 |
"Grupen and Rodgers managed to translate the complicated facts into terms understandable for the layman." |
Hans-Juergen Meyer |
general leadership: 16903 chapter downloads (November 2021) |
"Mehr als nur eine Einführung in die Themen Neutrinos und dunkle Energie, sondern dieses Essential gibt diverse Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsthemen und offene Fragen der Astrophysik.* |
Jutta Baumgart |
übersetzt ins Englische (2021) und ins Persische (Farsi, 2021) |